Apex Ski Boots
Downhill skiers (and their feet) have long been at the mercy of conventional ski boots, notorious for their nagging and even injury-inducing discomfort. Apex Ski Boots sought to change that. Dreamed up by two industry innovators, Apex’s reimagined two-part system addressed a literal customer pain point by providing a warmer and more comfortable boot. The resulting product—epitomized by the motto “Ski Hard. Walk Easy.”—was groundbreaking. Reviews were overwhelmingly positive and people who tried the boots were frequently won over. However, after ten years on the market, sales have stagnated and no meaningful market penetration has been achieved. Consumers remain largely unaware or skeptical of the brand, and—more problematically—traditional distribution channels are doing little to change that. Looking ahead, the company asks what strategic changes they should make to increase adoption.
Please prepare the case and write up your answers to the following questions in your analysis:
- Why isn’t Apex selling more boots? What do you think has been the single most significant barrier to Apex’s diffusion?
- Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the Apex Ski Boot. What is your impression of the product? (You might consider spending a few minutes browsing actual Apex customer reviews on sites like apexskiboots.com, REI.com, or amazon.com.) Is it a good product? If so, why and for whom?
- In general, what benefits does the overall ski equipment distribution network afford? What are its limitations? How does this vary by specific channel (i.e., retail chains, specialty stores, online)?
- Evaluate Apex’s current channel strategy. What would Apex give up by changing course, and what do they stand to gain? Should they fix the channel—or forsake it?
- Briefly outline a strategic marketing plan for Apex Ski Boots (working within the confines of their limited budget). Where and how would you spend the money to maximize potential sales and increase diffusion? What is a reasonable goal you might expect to reach with the plan you’ve proposed?
Sample Solution