Homo sapiens are a domesticated version of earlier Homo species

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According to Wrangham, today’s Homo sapiens are a domesticated version of earlier Homo species that were wild, in the same way that today’s many dog varieties (Canis lupus familiaris) are all domesticated versions of their wild ancestor, the grey wolf (Canis lupus). Today’s humans are unusually pro-social, cooperative, and docile; our distant ancestors were not. Who or what did the domesticating? Wrangham argues that the lengthy process of human domestication started about 300,000 years ago, when coalitions of males ganged up and killed hyper-aggressive and hyper-selfish males, thereby removing them from the gene pool. Describe, explain and evaluate Wrangham’s claim that Homo sapiens are a self-domesticated species. Is it plausible? Are there any problems with it? Why would natural selection favour a tolerant, docile species with a low tendency to reactive aggression at all, when basic Darwinian evolutionary biology would normally lead us to expect that ruthlessly competitive self-interest in the survival and reproduction sweepstakes is the main driving force in the evolution of animal life?

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