Argument over the new proposed (and now passed) voter regulations promoted by Texas Republicans

For this assignment, you are expected to write an argument over the new proposed (and now passed) voter regulations promoted by Texas Republicans. In writing your paper it should be between 2-3 pages long, employing APA format, and using 3 sources. Three sources are listed below for your use. In writing your paper, you must initially explore and report in a balanced manner the arguments Republican and Democratic legislatures make for their support or opposition to the bill. After outlining the arguments of both sides, based on your analysis of the facts presented, take a stance on what changes you would make toward electoral reform as a Texas legislator.

As an argumentative essay this paper should have at minimum two claims for why your position supporting the legislation or opposition to the legislation is clearly outlined. In the event that you need to cite information from another source, such as using an article that was written by someone else, you will need to utilize APA style formatting. Please consult Purdue OWL if you are unclear on how to use APA style formatting.

Sources are below

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