Examination of a parking garage
This section should be 1-2 paragraphs that, very generally and broadly speaking, describe the project and why we are doing it. Discuss why it is important and how the outcome might help to serve the garage, community, and individual people.
Parking Garages and Crime
In this section, you will want to give some specific thoughts on parking garages and how they can create an opportunity for crime. You’ll want to cite at least 2 studies talking about parking garages and crime rates and/or perceptions/fear of crime in parking garages. This should not include any information on your garage.
In this section, you will describe and detail CPTED from start to finish. Talk , generally, about each part of CPTED and how it started/where it is now. This should not include any information on your garage.
Garage Description
In this section, you will give a general description of your garage. Location, any crimes that have taken place there, neighborhood descriptions, who uses it, who doesn’t, and any other general information describing your garage.
*[please note, all sections below should be discussed in general under the CPTED section above – without talking about your garage. Give a sense of what each means and why it is important to CPTED. This way, you don’t have to go back-over them for each section below]
In this section, you will discuss any/all territoriality items associated with your garage. See the slides and readings for details of what is included in this section.
In this section, you will discuss any/all image items associated with your garage. See the slides and readings for details of what is included in this section.
In this section, you will discuss any/all milieu items associated with your garage. See the slides and readings for details of what is included in this section.
In this section, you will discuss any/all foot-traffic and pedestrian information items associated with your garage. See the slides and readings for details of what is included in this section.
[Please note that the below sections are formatted properly. The left-oriented sections (i.e. “lighting” is a place for you to write broad observations. The sections underneath (i.e. “uniformity” are properly formatted in APA subheading level 3. You should begin writing immediately after the bolded subheading (i.e. “uniformity. I measured uniformity by observing…”) and you write normally thereafter.] [For all sections below, include both your observations and compare them to what they should be. Specific fixes should be saved for the
In this section, you will discuss the overall lighting condition of your garage. Describe the lighting efforts and any possible patterns/issues you notice offhand. Save the specifics for below.
uniformity. See slides/readings
glare. See slides/readings
levels. See slides/readings
lighting support. See slides/readings
Sound Measures
In this section, you will discuss the sound conditions of your garage. Describe the levels using the sound meter application on your phone (free). Discuss whether the sound is uniform throughout the garage, or if there are spots that are louder than others.
In this section, you will discuss the overall lighting condition of your garage. Describe the surveillance efforts and any possible patterns/issues you notice offhand. Save the specifics for below.
natural surveillance. See slides/readings
active surveillance. See slides/readings (guards, cameras, cctv, panic buttons, intercoms, etc.)
Access Control
Describe the access control and any possible patterns/issues you notice offhand. This will include target hardening, entry/exit controls, and anything else that might deal with who has access to which areas and who doesn’t. Include any areas that are restricted and whether anyone could get in without legitimate entry.
See slides/readings for additional access control items.
Stairwells and Blind Spots
In this section, you will discuss the overall condition and availability of stairwells and/or blind spots in your garage. Describe whether these areas could be conducive to crime.
Overall Risk Level, Fixes, and Priorities
risk level. Combine and summarize all of the issues you noted above. This should not be a direct re-writing, but instead include the most important CPTED issues you found in your observations. Finally, consider all of the issues together and assign a risk level to your garage. Use “low, medium, or high” risk assessment.
fixes. Including all of your observations, which changes should be made? Don’t worry about money or time at this point, save that for the ‘priority’ heading below.
priorities. Here, you will include a priority list of changes. This would include which of the above issues should be changed, in what order of priority, and how that might happen. Consider efficiency, cost, and whether these changes are reasonable. Be creative for this section! See if you can think of a new/better way to do things that might help (seriously, I’ve had students come up with some really, really good ideas before!)
Summarize all of the above and give a concise end to your efforts
Sample Solution