Empathetic Listening skills

Empathetic Listening skills. You will focus on what others are feeling and saying, not yourself. You don’t need to solve their problems; you’re just there to understand them. Remember not to be afraid of a bit of silence. You want to give others space to
For this Assignment, you will conduct an interview and then write a reflection paper or submit a video recording. Do not record the interview. Your final submission should not be a transcript of the interview but, instead, will be your reflection on the experience.
Part 1 | Interview
You might think you know a parent, sibling, roommate, work colleague, close friend, girlfriend, or boyfriend, but how well do you know the person? Choose one of these people and ask the questions below. Your discussion should last around 20 minutes. Remember not to advise, probe, interpret, or judge. Instead, reflect feelings and content in your own words. Use Empathetic Listening skills to delve deeper into that person’s responses, giving you a richer understanding of them. You will listen for both content and feelings. Make sure to put down your phone, eliminate distractions, and face the person – body language represents 60% of our communication.
What is their . . .
Favorite hobby?
Thought on the nicest thing you could do for them?
Worst experience in school?
Dream job if time and money were no factor?
View on the value of college?
Greatest unfulfilled dream?
Warmest memory of childhood?
Favorite hero?
Greatest strength?
Hope for how they will be remembered?
Thought about this interview? Do they feel you are listening to them? What makes them think this way?
Part 2 | Reflection
You may write a paper (2 pages, double-spaced, and in Times New Roman font: Assignment Template Download Assignment Template) or submit a video recording (5 minutes long) for this assignment. The following format should inform your paragraph structure or video presentation:
Introduction: Describe empathetic listening and how it differs from autobiographical listening. Then describe the person you interviewed. What is your relationship with this person? Where did you conduct the interview?
Their Perspective: What did you learn about this person? What surprised you? What was the most memorable story shared? Did they feel you were listening to them? What made them think the way they did? Did they offer any suggestions or provide feedback to you?
Your Understanding: What was the experience like for you? How hard was it not to interrupt when listening? Did you use any autobiographical responses? What aspect of empathetic listening was the easiest for you? What do you need to work on in future conversations?
Conclusion: Summarize what you learned from the activity. How might empathic listening help you in college or other areas of your life? How might this impact your relationships?

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