Historical Leader Comparison

Choose a leader from the past (dead before your lifetime). It may be one you greatly admire, one you already know well, or one about whom you are generally curious. Do basic research to understand the situation they faced and how they were able to overcome it.

Next, choose a modern leader (alive within your lifetime). Research to understand their situation and how they have or are overcoming adversity.

Then, write a report describing how each leader succeeded and whether they would succeed if facing the others’ adversities. Your report will consist of four parts:

Summarize the adversity faced by the historic leader and how they overcame it.
Summarize the adversity faced by the modern leader and how they overcame it.
Describe whether the historic leader would have similar success in the modern leader’s situation. What attributes of their leadership or identity would promote or hinder success? Remember to explain why.
Describe whether the modern leader would have similar success in the historic leader’s situation. What attributes of their leadership or identity would promote or hinder success? Remember to explain why.

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