“Ethical Dilemmas Facing Mental Health Social Workers”
Select from one of the following articles, located in the Topic Resources:
1) “Inclusion Starts With Better Management – Here’s What Employees Say About Making Diversity Work”
2) “Ethical Dilemmas Facing Mental Health Social Workers”
Service-Learning Experience: Child Protective Services of Texas
500-750-word summary, citing the chosen article, respond to the following questions:
How does social justice and diversity exist within your Service-Learning experience?
What role in your agency/organization do you play in empowering clients and coworkers to create social change?
Explain how diversity and difference may impact approaches social workers take when assisting clients at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels at your Service-Learning experience. Refer to Social Work Disposition ##2: Value: Social Justice; Ethical Principle: Social workers’ challenge social injustice when responding to this prompt.
Sample Solution