Learning Gender Film(s)

You CHOOSE one of two films to watch, from the UNT library catalog:                                           

“Miss Representationhttps://discover.library.unt.edu/catalog/b7370293


The Mask You Live In. 
Which one you choose is up to you. 

Assignment Instructions:
Read the assigned textbook chapter and CANVAS topic on Gender.  Then choose one of the two films to watch.
After viewing, write a film response of 150-200 words on the following topic:  how do the representations of “male” or “female” in the film you watched show how culture teaches us to BE either “male” or “female?”  Use examples from the film to show what the culturally expected norms, values and behavioral expectations are, and what the social impacts may be.  I.e., how do we learn gender, and what are the lessons for each? 
Responses should be approximately 150 – 200 words in length (about the length of these instructions).
Craft your response using clear, concise language which is free from grammar, spelling and usage errors.
Formatting should be single-spaced, approx. 12pt font.
Grading Rubric:
Full credit will be given to responses which follow instructions, respond thoughtfully to the issue, and are grammatically perfect. 

ANTH 1010 Assignment Film Responses Rubric
ANTH 1010 Assignment Film Responses Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
Expected Detail- follows instructions
view longer description
2 pts
expected length; follows instructions
1 pts
Short or overly brief
0 pts
No Marks
/ 2 pts
Grammatically Perfect
view longer description
3 pts
Grammatically perfect
1 pts
Some mistakes or legibility problems
0 pts
No Marks
/ 3 pts
Thoughtful Input and Range
view longer description
10 pts
Full Marks- thoughtful response that addresses all the prompts in the question
6 pts
Satisfactory- shows grasp of the concepts; addresses MOST of the question prompts
2 pts
Unsatisfactory- shows only cursory master of the concept
0 pts
No Marks
/ 10 pts
Total Points: 0
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