Comparison of job or relationship or educational satisfaction among groups
Topic: Comparison of job / relationship / educational satisfaction among groups (e.g., gender, religion, political view, et cet)
- Complete background work by selecting a topic and reading two recent articles.
a. Pick a topic containing at least TWO key terms, like the topic suggested above. Use the Jerry Falwell Library to locate two empirical articles from peer-reviewed journals containing both key terms. You may need to log in to have complete access.
i. Try to only use research published within the last year (but definitely limit to within the last 5 years).
ii. Both articles must be from peer-reviewed sources and must be empirical to complete this assignment (remember from Module 1, an empirical article is an original research study so it will have method and results sections).
iii. Read the articles. - Compose a professional letter to a potential colleague to make him or her aware of these recent findings.
a. For each article, state the research question, sample size, variables of interest, statistical test used to examine the research question(s), and the conclusions. Make sure to use parenthetical or narrative citations within your letter using APA conventions.
i. Note you cannot quote from the articles you selected – you must put information into your own words for this entire assignment. “Rephrasing” is switching out a few words. This is insufficient at the graduate level and as a professional. You need to be able to read research and present it using your own language, to demonstrate you truly understand how to read a research article.
b. Discuss how the articles work together to strengthen your understanding of the topic you’ve selected personally and/or professionally, OR why you think their results are contradictory. - Include a reference section at the end in current APA style for all citations (minimum of 2 entries).
Sample Solution
a. The average rating for all CBC movies is 7.2, ABN movies is 8.3, and BBS movies is 6.3 (see bar chart below). b. Descriptive Statistics for Ratings of Networks: CBC | ABN | BBS Mean: 7.2 | 8.3 | 6.3 Median: 7 | 8 | 6 Mode: 7| 9| 5 Standard Deviation: 1.862 | 0.908| 1.544 c. From the descriptive statistics, we can see that the mean ratings for all three networks are fairly close in value, with the highest being ABN’s mean rating at 8.3 and the lowest being BBS’ mean rating at 6.3; however, looking further into metrics such as standard deviation and mode show that CBC’s ratings have a higher degree of variability compared to the other two networks (1.86 vs 0-0 .908 and 1-544 respectively). This could indicate that while CBC’s movies may be more hit or miss in terms of quality than either ABN’s or BBS’, they also have more potential to become big hits if done right – something which would benefit both audiences and investors alike as it could lead to greater returns on investments in these films..>