Building an ideal program to address family violence cases
Discuss your ideas for building an ideal program to address family violence cases. For the purpose of this. consider yourselves appointed to a committee tasked with designing a police program to respond to incidents of family violence and elderly abuse. Discuss what you believe is necessary to address these matters. Be innovative! What entities or organizations would you include to work in partnership with the police department. Since lives are at stake here, costs should not be the primary concern.
Sample Solution
The comic implies that, stories have the power to shape peoples beliefs and thus their behaviors, as per this story, it mainly puts its focus on the Alison Bechdels home which was a funny one. The father of this family was a gay. The story shows how the father changed the view of gender identities, construction of bodies, family relationships together with sex. (fun home, pg 5-20 ), one can get a better understanding of how a Bechdel employs words and comic graphic devices to render specific events. In Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir, Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, the reader is introduced to an entire world through short comic panels. The title seems to undermine the actual home in the novel because the family home seems anything but fun. It seems to be a home full of secrets and hidden personalities. Each character seems to be the opposite of each other, almost as if their foils of each other. In this case the main polar opposites seem to be the father and his daughter Alison. Specifically, the top panel on page 98, work as an excellent example of the differences among each of these characters. The book touches upon many themes, including, but not limited to homosexuality, family relationships, and gender identity. Although the Alison and her father Bruce have strained relationship, they simultaneously face many of the same feelings as the two are both queer, interested in literature, and the desire to be the opposite sex. This paper starts by analyzing the desire of homosexuality and gender identity of Alison and Bruce and well evaluates their same interest in literature which is critical in shaping their personalities. The comic implies that, stories have the power to shape peoples beliefs and thus their behaviors, giving those who control stories over the world itself.>