Understanding of research

Reflect on your improved understanding of research, taking notes, the use of library resources, internet research, discourse communities, APA writing, and skills or additional techniques that you learned during the course.
What did you learn about your own research process and style?
What would you change about your process if you had another opportunity?
What challenge(s) did you overcome during the course?
What application could research have in your present or future career?

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I learned a lot about research, taking notes, the use of library resources, internet research, discourse communities, APA writing, and skills or additional techniques that I learned during the course.

I learned that research is a process of inquiry that involves asking questions, gathering information, and evaluating sources. I learned that it is important to be clear about the purpose of your research and to identify your target audience. I also learned that it is important to use a variety of sources and to evaluate them critically.

I learned that taking notes is an important part of the research process. I learned that it is important to take notes that are accurate, concise, and organized. I also learned that it is important to take notes that reflect your own thoughts and ideas.

I learned that the library is a valuable resource for research. I learned that librarians can help you to find the information you need and to use library resources effectively. I also learned that there are a variety of library resources available, including books, journals, newspapers, magazines, and databases.


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I learned that internet research can be a valuable tool for research. However, I also learned that it is important to be critical of internet sources and to evaluate them carefully. I also learned that it is important to use a variety of internet sources and to avoid relying on a single source.

I learned that discourse communities are groups of people who share a common interest in a particular topic. I learned that discourse communities have their own norms and expectations, and that it is important to be aware of these norms and expectations when participating in a discourse community.

I learned that APA writing is a style of writing that is used in academic research. I learned that APA writing has its own format and style guidelines, and that it is important to follow these guidelines when writing APA papers.

I also learned a number of skills or additional techniques that I can use in my future research. These skills include:

  • How to use a variety of research methods, including surveys, interviews, and observation.
  • How to analyze data and draw conclusions.
  • How to write clear and concise research papers.
  • How to present research findings to a variety of audiences.

I learned a lot about my own research process and style. I learned that I am a visual learner and that I prefer to use mind maps and concept maps to organize my research findings. I also learned that I am a critical thinker and that I am good at evaluating sources.

If I had another opportunity, I would change my research process by starting earlier and by being more organized. I would also try to use a wider variety of sources and to be more critical of my sources.

One of the challenges I overcame during the course was learning to use APA style. APA style is a complex style and it took me some time to learn the rules. However, I eventually mastered APA style and I am now able to use it confidently.

I believe that research can be applied to my present and future career in a number of ways. For example, I can use research to:

  • Identify trends and opportunities in my industry.
  • Solve problems.
  • Make decisions.
  • Develop new products and services.
  • Market my products and services.

I am confident that the skills and knowledge I learned in this course will be valuable to me in my future career.


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