The 12-step model of addiction treatment.
Some people struggling with a substance use disorder benefit from the 12-step model of addiction treatment, but others do not. Explain this in detail.
Discuss issues of diversity within the 12-step model of addiction treatment.
Sample Answer
Why some people benefit from the 12-step model of addiction treatment, but others do not
The 12-step model of addiction treatment is a peer-support program that helps people recover from substance use disorders. The program is based on the belief that addiction is a disease that cannot be cured, but it can be arrested. The 12-step program is based on 12 principles that help people to accept their addiction, surrender to a higher power, and make amends for the harm that they have caused.
The 12-step model is effective for many people, but it is not effective for everyone. There are a number of reasons why some people may not benefit from the 12-step model.