Code of ethics

Evaluate various published codes of ethics for viability and coherence.

Do some research and find a code of ethics published by some organization or company representing your chosen major. Then complete the attached worksheet: Be sure to answer all questions.

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Evaluating a Code of Ethics: ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

Chosen Major: Software Engineering

Selected Code of Ethics: ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

Evaluating the Code’s Viability and Coherence

The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice is a widely recognized and respected code of ethics for software engineers. It provides a comprehensive framework for ethical decision-making in the field of software engineering.


  • Relevance: The code is highly relevant to the evolving field of software engineering, addressing issues such as privacy, security, and social impact.
  • Clarity: The code is well-structured and easy to understand, with clear guidelines for ethical behavior.
  • Enforceability: While the code itself is not legally binding, it can be used as a basis for professional disciplinary actions and ethical investigations.


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  • Consistency: The code maintains consistency throughout, emphasizing the importance of public interest, client and employer interests, and product quality.
  • Completeness: The code covers a wide range of ethical issues, from data privacy to intellectual property rights.
  • Flexibility: The code provides general principles that can be applied to a variety of specific situations.

Worksheet: Evaluating the ACM Code of Ethics

1. What is the purpose of the code? The purpose of the ACM Code of Ethics is to provide guidance for software engineers in making ethical decisions and to promote professional responsibility. It aims to ensure that software engineers act in a way that is beneficial to society and upholds the integrity of the profession.

2. Who is the intended audience of the code? The code is intended for all software engineers, regardless of their role or experience level. It applies to individuals working in industry, academia, and government.

3. What are the core values or principles outlined in the code? The core values and principles outlined in the code include:

  • Public interest
  • Client and employer interests
  • Product quality
  • Professional judgment
  • Professional development
  • Social responsibility

4. How does the code address issues related to fairness, equity, and inclusion? The code addresses these issues by emphasizing the importance of designing and developing software that is accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or background. It also calls on software engineers to avoid discrimination and bias in their work.

5. Are there any potential weaknesses or limitations of the code? While the ACM Code of Ethics provides a strong foundation for ethical behavior, it may not be specific enough to address all emerging ethical challenges in the field of software engineering, such as those related to artificial intelligence and autonomous systems.

6. How can the code be improved or updated to address future challenges? The ACM can continue to update and refine the code to address new technologies and ethical issues. This may involve incorporating emerging areas such as AI ethics, data privacy, and cybersecurity. Additionally, the ACM can encourage ongoing discussions and debates among software en

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