Nursing practice
How do you envision using these concepts in your future nursing practice as a masters prepared nurse practitioner?
Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve Program Outcome 4: Integrate professional values through scholarship and service in health care.
Describe how course assignments or activities will help you achieve ONE of the sub-competencies from the advanced-level nursing education competencies from AACN Essentials Competency 4.1 Advance the Scholarship of Nursing.
4.1h Apply and critically evaluate advanced knowledge in a defined area of nursing practice.
4.1i Engage in scholarship to advance health.
4.1j Discern appropriate applications of quality improvement, research, and evaluation methodologies.
4.1k Collaborate to advance ones scholarship.
4.1l Disseminate ones scholarship to diverse audiences using a variety of approaches or modalities.
4.1m Advocate within the interprofessional team and with other stakeholders for the contributions of nursing scholarship.
Sample Answer
As a future master’s-prepared nurse practitioner, the concepts covered in this course, particularly regarding organizational behavior, leadership, and change management, will be invaluable in several ways:
- Leading Change and Improvement: Healthcare is constantly evolving. I envision using these concepts to lead quality improvement initiatives within my practice setting. For example, if I identify a bottleneck in patient flow or a need for improved patient education materials, I can apply change management principles to develop and implement solutions effectively, involving stakeholders and addressing resistance to change. Understanding organizational culture will be key to navigating the specific context of my workplace and ensuring buy-in for new initiatives.