Weber’s theory of domination
Weber’s theory of domination consists of three tasks: defining domination, judging South Carolina’s dominance, and reacting to being dominated.
Complete Task 2: Answer the question ‘Does the State of South Carolina Dominate for a male?
Could you complete Task 1: Define domination according to Max Weber and cite a supporting excerpt?
Sample Answer
You’re touching on a fascinating intersection of sociological theory and contemporary events. However, there’s a slight misapplication of Weber’s theory. Let’s clarify:
Weber’s Theory of Domination:
Max Weber’s theory of domination focuses on the legitimacy of authority, not merely raw power. He identified three pure types of legitimate domination:
- Traditional Domination: Authority based on established customs and traditions. (e.g., a monarchy)
- Charismatic Domination: Authority based on the exceptional personal qualities of a leader. (e.g., a revolutionary figure)
- Legal-Rational Domination: Authority based on impersonal rules and laws. (e.g., a modern bureaucracy)