An operations system for an athletic apparel manufacturer

Prompt: Design an operations system for an athletic apparel manufacturer requirements: APA compliant paper
that includes the following sections as a minimum:•A brief, introductory description of your hypothetical
business The approach you will use regarding globalization How you will utilize forecasting in your
operations Define the culture you will want at your company and how you will structure your Human Resources
system to achieve that culture Define how you are going to develop a sustainable supply chain for your
company Explain how you will approach planning in your company and the methodology you will use. Define
how you will use lean operations in your company to reduce waste and improve productivity assessment: An
essay or a portion of the final paper equal to 250 words, which is to be formatted into the following three
sections: 1) Christian worldview regarding the course; Explain how your understanding of God’s creative
process illustrated in Genesis 1:1 –2:2 guided you in the development of the operations management system
of your company.2) biblical passages related to the course, and 3) comparison of secular and Christian
perspectives related to the course.
MY CURRENT TEXTBOOK IS – Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2020). Operations management:
Sustainability and supply chain management (13thed.). Pearson.

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