Bernice McFadden uses fiction to explore many ideas.

Bernice McFadden uses fiction to explore many ideas. One of the ideas explored in “Sugar” is the idea of intergenerational trauma. Please write a paper discussing how the past traumas of the Laceys as well as Shirley Brown, Ciel Brown and Bertie Mae Brown shaped Sugar’s personality. How do these traumas shape her view of love, family and trust? Your paper should be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font. No outside sources. Your papers are due on Thursday, November 10th by 11:59 PM. Please email your paper. I prefer a Word Doc, but Google Doc or PDF is also fine. If you chose the latter options then your paper must be made editable by me. Please remeber to put your name and page numbers on your paper.

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