Biology of Marine Mammals

The post has two asighnments

1;Biology of Marine Mammals

– Can marine mammals suffer from decompression sickness? If so, how, why and in which circumstances? DETAILS – Between 15 and 25 lines Use only scientific papers as references (up to 8, no less than 5).

2;LONGER EXEGESIS: Summarize an essay about Christianity in India (Missions since Independence) in History of Hindu-Christian Encounters AD 304-1996 by Sita Ram

MAXIMUM LENGTH 1000 WORDS Longer Exegesis: Summarize an essay about Christianity in India (“Missions since Independence”) in History of Hindu-Christian Encounters AD 304-1996, by Sita Ram Goel, a Hindu nationalist and polemicist. The longer exegesis is identical to the shorter exegesis except that it affords a little more space to comment at greater length. Maximum length: 1000 words; due date: By midnight on the Tuesday which closes lesson 9 (i.e., Tuesday, March 13). Submit to our course drop box. 25% of final grade. SHORTER EXEGESIS INSTRUCTION THAT YOU MUST USE FOR THE LONGER EXEGESIS:(1) what Sita Ram argues; (2) how she seeks to write persuasively (What are one or two literary strategies that he employs and how are these effective?); and (3) why she might write as she does (What about his context might have influenced him and his work?)

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