Causes/risk factors of early adolescence sexual identity and sexual behavior
Explain some of the causes/risk factors of early adolescence sexual identity and sexual behavior. Name one health issue found in adolescence.
Sample Solution
require them to read or even comprehend when reading. Dyslexia deals with other parts of learning. For example Dyscalculia is the mathematics disability of dyslexia. People with this disorder have trouble understanding and comprehending math problems. These characteristics are representative of relatively deficient left hemisphere systems. Strange and Rourke (1985) have found that majority of children who experience difficulties in arithmetic calculation have deficiencies in one or more linguistic abilities. In addition to the mathematical disorders due to visual-perceptual, linguistic, or mixed deficits, some posit a fourth subgroup differentiated by specific deficits in nonverbal symbolic representation and quantitative thinking (Geary 1993; Johnson & Myklebust 1967). Even though you may have these disabilities dyslexia stills remains number in the learning disabilities in children today. It is even known internationally among students worldwide. Dyslexia is one of the most common learning difficulties found among Hong Kong students. According to the Jockey Club in Hong Kong (2006), dyslexia accounts for over 80% of specific learning difficulties cases. The general symptoms of dyslexia include difficulties regarding motor or perceptual skills, language skills, early literacy or pre-reading skills, reading skills and writing skills (Rief & Stern, 2010). Davis and Braun (2010) pointed out that it is difficult to define the symptoms of dyslexia since those with dyslexia do not have exactly the same set of symptoms. Although there are different points of view concerning symptoms of dyslexia they all have one thing in common and that is a spelling problem. The International Dyslexia Association (2008) outlined the drawbacks and difficulties with spelling of learners with dyslexia: (a) individuals with dyslexia have conspicuous problems with spelling and writing, in spite of being capable in other areas and having a normal amount of classroom instruction and (b) though may individuals with dyslexia learn to read fairly well, difficulties with spelling and handwriting tend to persist throughout life, requiring instruction, accommodations, task modifications, and>