
The following post has two assignments namely;


interpreted according to Origen? How is Scripture like a human being? What is significant about
this image? What is potentially problematic about it? How can this be applied to Christian
interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis

2.Turkish-Theatre,Music and Dance

1) In the reading “Orality, Text. and Performance in the Book of Dede Korkut,” Ozturkmen mentions that The
Book of Dede Korkut manuscript was first discovered by V. Diez in 1815 in the Royal Library of Dresden. This
was followed by a discovery of a second manuscript in 1950 by Ettorc Rossi in the Vatican Library. I was very
surprised that these manuscripts had not been discovered in Turkey. My question is, how did these
manuscripts end up across Europe in two separate places? ( Use the reading; Orality, Text, and Performance
in the Book of Dede Korkut)

2) Whirling dervishes go through a mystical journey of spiritual ascent through mind and love to the “Perfect.”
The ascent transforms the follower through love and allows him to abandon ego. Would you put whirling
dervishes under the category of a trance performance (hypnotic. psychotic. epileptic. hallucinatory.
possession. ecstatic. or shamanic performances)? ( Read Textbook: Performance Studies, Chapter 3 & part of
6, pp. 52-88; 192-203.

3) How do we follow this three-phase. ten part sequence of proto-performance, performance. and aftermath
in our everyday lives? We probably don’t follow every step and perhaps not even in that specific order, but are
there examples we can see in our normal routines and lives? ( Read Textbook: Performance Studies, part of
chapter 7, pp. 221-245.)

4) Do you think the term “Orient” or “Orientalism” is outdated and tired? Would you even consider it to be
racist or politically incorrect? ( Read Introduction to Edward Said. Orientalism)

Second Part of the paper: generate 5 significant discussion questions about the topics in the readings I will
attach. Make a question for each reading. The readings are: 1) Modern Dance Alla Turca_02turkmen 2)
Negotiating Gender Identities during Mixed Gender Activities Amateur Theatre in the 19305 and 19405 in

3) Negotiating Gender Identities during Mixed Gender Activities Amateur Theatre in the 19305 and 19405 in

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