Communications and Supply Chain Management.

Communications and Supply Chain Management.

For the final assignment in the course, you are going to produce a research paper
The “official” general topic for the final paper will be “Communications and Supply Chain Management.” (If you can’t think of anything to write on for that topic, you may instead discuss any business or industry. If you still can’t think of a good specific topic, then all I ask is that your paper have something to do with communication, however broadly defined that might be.)
The research paper should be around 1500 words – not shorter than 1250 words, and not longer than 1750 words. Yes, this is going to be a formal academic paper. You must include at least three sources, and at least one of those sources should be peer reviewed.  You must use proper APA format in the paper, and all of the penalties for plagiarism and poor documentation will apply. Yes, this means that any paper with fewer than three properly documented sources will fail, and serious instances of plagiarism will cause the paper to receive a zero

Below Academic Standard    Meets Academic Standard    Above Academic Standard    Mark
Introduction    – Introduction does not attempt to gain reader’s interest.
-Thesis is not clear; position cannot be understood or identified.    -Introduction somewhat successfully hooks reader’s interest.
-Thesis is general;  main points not clearly outlined.    – Introduction successfully hooks reader’s interest.
-Thesis is clearly stated, main points clearly outlined.

Main Body    -Topic is not coherent, not an appropriate topic for a college research essay
-No clear distinction between paragraphs or main points.
-General statements abound, seriously interfering with concreteness of evidence.
-Main points off-topic, cannot be tied to thesis.
-Evidence inadequate.
-Fewer than five pieces of evidence are used or properly documented.
-Topic is overly broad, or lacking in complexity.
-Some unwarranted overlap between main points, confusion between paragraphs.
-Main points rely on general statements more than is necessary.
-Main points drift into areas not directly related to thesis.
-Evidence is only barely sufficient to prove claim being made.
-At least five separate pieces of evidence are used.    -Topic is limited in scope, but complex enough to create an academic research paper
-Main points are distinct and tied to paragraph development.
-Main points are specific. General statements are avoided where possible.
-Main points are relevant, contain claims that will prove the thesis.
– Main points contain evidence that is diverse, specific, and sufficient to prove the claim being made.
-At least five separate pieces of evidence are used.

Conclusion    -Conclusion absent, includes new information, not related to paper.    -Conclusion gives adequate summary of paper.    -Conclusion gives concise, adequate summary of paper, leaves reader with something to think about without adding new information.

Grammar and Style    -More than four major errors.    -Between two and four major errors.    -One major error.


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