Concepts, ideas or theories

Identify each of the the key terms in a paragraph or bullet points. Answers are about its concepts, ideas or
theories. Must be precise and address all dimensions of the concept. key terms:
Neutrality Acts,
Lend-lease Program,
Democratic peace theory,
Kant’s definitive and preliminary conditions,
Washington Naval Conference 1921,
Dawes and Young Plans,
Kellogg-Briand Pact,
Global Liberal Order,
United Nations,
Atlantic Charter,
Stability and durability of bipolarity,
Truman Doctrine,
Marshall Plan,
Long Telegram,
Eisenhower’s New Look,
Second strike capability,
Vietnam War (significance in the Cold War),
Nixon’s ‘Secret Solution’,
Theories about the end of the Cold War (orthodox, revisionist, post-revisionist),
Durability and stability of unipolarity,
Balance of threat,
Collective security (NATO and Warsaw Pact),
Obama’s exceptionalism,
Unilateralism versus multilateralism,
Obama’s “red line” in Syria,
China’s “peaceful rise”,
Geopolitical disputes between China and the U.S.,
Chinese foreign policy ambitions,
“America First”,
The Trump administration and international institutions

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