Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Folk Religions

A report on research interests: Religious and Cultural Foundation in Taiwan: Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Folk Religions
Proposal on Research Interests: The goal is to come up with the ideas for your final paper- this report (proposal) is meant to help you formulate your research ideas. Please outline your research report as suggested below: 1) A short introduction or definition of your final paper topic 2) The thesis and the issues to be addressed 3) A brief description of the method you will use to address these issues 4) Conclusion (Justify the significance of your research paper)
Research Questions: 1. What are the key differences you observe between Western religions and Taiwanese religions? How to comprehend and generalize the differences? 2. Ancestor worshiping is very important to Taiwanese people. What is the reason behind this practice? How do Taiwanese people conceptualize the “after-life” world?

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