Contingency planning

Contingency planning is a risk mitigation process for developing back-up plans in anticipation of events (scenarios) that might disrupt ‘business as usual’. Business continuity planning is an expanded version of contingency planning that typically encompasses a more comprehensive and extended response plan for getting back to ‘business as usual’. In a well-formatted, highly-detailed research paper, address the need to contingency planning, ensuring to address the following items:

(1) Benefits of scenario events/planning.
(2) Questions to consider when implementing scenario planning.
(3) The common types of scenario planning.

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Benefits of Scenario Events/Planning

Scenario planning is a process of identifying and assessing potential future events that could impact an organization, and developing plans to mitigate or respond to those events. Scenario planning can benefit organizations in a number of ways, including:

  • Improved decision-making: Scenario planning can help organizations to make better decisions by providing them with a better understanding of the potential risks and opportunities that they face.
  • Increased resilience: Scenario planning can help organizations to become more resilient to disruptions by helping them to develop plans to mitigate or respond to those disruptions.
  • Enhanced innovation: Scenario planning can help organizations to identify new opportunities and develop new strategies to achieve their goals.
  • Improved communication: Scenario planning can help organizations to improve communication both internally and externally by helping them to develop a shared understanding of the potential risks and opportunities that they face.

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Questions to Consider When Implementing Scenario Planning

When implementing scenario planning, organizations should consider the following questions:

  • What are the most important issues facing the organization?
  • What are the key uncertainties that could impact the organization’s future?
  • What are the potential consequences of these uncertainties?
  • What are the organization’s current strengths and weaknesses?
  • What resources does the organization have available to respond to disruptions?
  • What are the organization’s risk tolerance and appetite?

The Common Types of Scenario Planning

There are a number of different types of scenario planning, including:

  • Quantitative scenario planning: This type of scenario planning uses quantitative data to develop and assess scenarios.
  • Qualitative scenario planning: This type of scenario planning uses qualitative data to develop and assess scenarios.
  • Normative scenario planning: This type of scenario planning focuses on developing scenarios that are desirable and achievable.
  • Exploratory scenario planning: This type of scenario planning focuses on developing a wide range of scenarios, including both desirable and undesirable scenarios.

The Need for Contingency Planning

Contingency planning is the process of developing plans to respond to disruptive events. Contingency planning is important because it can help organizations to:

  • Minimize the impact of disruptive events on their operations.
  • Protect their employees, customers, and other stakeholders.
  • Maintain their reputation and credibility.
  • Recover from disruptive events quickly and efficiently.

Contingency planning should be a continuous process, as new risks and threats emerge over time. Organizations should regularly review and update their contingency plans to ensure that they are effective.


Scenario planning and contingency planning are two important risk management processes that can help organizations to improve their decision-making, increase their resilience, enhance their innovation, and improve their communication. Organizations should carefully consider their needs and goals when implementing scenario planning and contingency planning.

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