Criminal justice

Hatred and distrust of government are runnin” rel=”nofollow”>ing so deep that many militia members believe that federal agents exploded the Oklahoma City bombin” rel=”nofollow”>ing, in” rel=”nofollow”>initiated the in” rel=”nofollow”>incident at Ruby Ridge, contributed to the Waco standoff, and murdered in” rel=”nofollow”>innocent people to discredit the special in” rel=”nofollow”>interest groups and to facilitate the passage of the 1996 anti-terrorist crime bill.
Read the discussion of militia groups, the bombin” rel=”nofollow”>ing of the Oklahoma City buildin” rel=”nofollow”>ing, the Ruby Ridge, and the Waco standoffs, and the passage of the 1996 anti-terrorist crime bill in” rel=”nofollow”>in onlin” rel=”nofollow”>ine sources. Pay special attention to the role of government, the FBI, and the overall in” rel=”nofollow”>involvement of law enforcement in” rel=”nofollow”>in these cases.

Discuss the role of the government, the FBI, and law enforcement forces in” rel=”nofollow”>in the in” rel=”nofollow”>incidents cited.

Do you thin” rel=”nofollow”>ink their handlin” rel=”nofollow”>ing of the situations provide any evidence to support the belief that they caused or encouraged the in” rel=”nofollow”>incidents?

In what way is the accusation again” rel=”nofollow”>inst law enforcement agencies consistent with the ideologies of various militia groups?

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