Cultural awareness
Whatever the instructions say, though I’m sorry I have to send instructions this way, but I’m unable to send it as a file. If it’s a problem just let me know.
The HUM2020 Cultural Awareness Essay is designed to evaluate your understanding of Florida Gateway College’s Cultural Awareness General Learning
Outcome: Students will explain how aspects of culture relate to the human experience.
As we have discussed throughout this course:
All art disciplines express the human experience, with each doing so in its own unique way. Of the art disciplines that we have studied in this course, painting,
literature, and music are the most fundamental.
The arts are unique among the humanities in their ability to reveal values, which are an important aspect of the human experience. In this course, we have
considered how numerous works of art reveal values.
There are three primary types of art criticism: descriiptive, interpretive, and evaluative. Our focus in this course has been on evaluative criticism and its three
standards: perfection, insight, and inexhaustibility.
Sample Solution