Descriptive statistics

1) Introduction–simple descriptive statistics, like population of the city, the country that the city is part of, and
simple geography–like Philadelphia is in the Mid-Atlantic region of the East Coast of the United States, it lies
between two rivers, the Delaware and the Schuylkill. And, most importantly, WHY you chose to write about this
2) How is the city you chose similar to Tokyo rio or Iran (choose at least 2)? More description of the city. Who
are its people? What does the economy of the city consist or? Be sure and use statistics from World Factbook

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at and other sources and cite them appropriately.
3) How is the city you chose different from other cities? What makes it unique? What did you find particulary
interesting, or unusual about the city?
4) Conclusion: What strikes you about this city that you may not have noticed or paid much attention to if you
had not written this papoer. What would you most like to visit in this city and how long would you like to stay?

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