Developing a job analysis program.

Describe an orderly and systematic procedure for developing a job analysis program.
Describe the major sections of a job description. What purpose does each section serve?
What are some of the strengths and limitations in the use of ranking for job evaluation purposes?

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Orderly and systematic procedure for developing a job analysis program

A job analysis program is a systematic way of gathering information about jobs. It is used to determine the duties, responsibilities, skills, and knowledge required for a job. Job analysis programs are used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Developing job descriptions
  • Setting pay rates
  • Making hiring decisions
  • Developing training programs
  • Conducting performance appraisals

The following is an orderly and systematic procedure for developing a job analysis program:

  1. Identify the jobs to be analyzed. The first step is to identify the jobs that need to be analyzed. This can be done by reviewing organizational charts, talking to managers, or surveying employees.

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  1. Select a job analysis method. There are a variety of job analysis methods available, such as the interview method, the questionnaire method, and the observation method. The best method to use will depend on the specific job and the resources available.
  2. Gather job information. Once a job analysis method has been selected, the next step is to gather job information. This can be done by interviewing job incumbents, reviewing job documentation, and observing job performance.
  3. Analyze the job information. The job information that has been gathered needs to be analyzed to identify the duties, responsibilities, skills, and knowledge required for the job. This can be done by using a job analysis form or by creating a job description.
  4. Document the job analysis results. The results of the job analysis need to be documented in a way that is clear and concise. This documentation can be used to develop job descriptions, set pay rates, make hiring decisions, and develop training programs.

Major sections of a job description

A job description is a document that summarizes the duties, responsibilities, skills, and knowledge required for a job. It is used to communicate the requirements of a job to job incumbents, applicants, and managers. Job descriptions are also used for a variety of other purposes, such as:

  • Developing training programs
  • Conducting performance appraisals
  • Setting pay rates
  • Making hiring decisions

The major sections of a job description typically include:

  • Job title: The name of the job.
  • Department: The department where the job is located.
  • Reports to: The person to whom the jobholder reports.
  • Duties and responsibilities: A list of the major duties and responsibilities of the job.
  • Skills and knowledge: A list of the skills and knowledge required for the job.
  • Working conditions: The physical and environmental conditions of the job.
  • Education and experience: The education and experience required for the job.

Strengths and limitations of ranking for job evaluation purposes

Ranking is a job evaluation method that compares jobs to each other based on their overall worth to the organization. It is a simple and easy-to-use method, but it can also be subjective and unreliable.

The strengths of ranking for job evaluation purposes include:

  • It is a simple and easy-to-use method.
  • It can be used to compare jobs that are very different from each other.
  • It is a quick and efficient method.

The limitations of ranking for job evaluation purposes include:

  • It can be subjective and unreliable.
  • It is difficult to compare jobs that are very similar to each other.
  • It is not a very precise method.

Overall, ranking is a simple and easy-to-use job evaluation method, but it is important to be aware of its limitations. If you are considering using ranking for job evaluation purposes, it is important to use a consistent and objective process.

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