Dimensions of mindfulness practice
Pick one or more of the following dimensions of mindfulness practice: ●Concentration ●Open-Awareness ●Loving Kindness ●Emotion awareness/acceptance
Present an argument for the application of one or more of these dimensions of mindfulness to some area of life that you see as being enhanced by this specific mindfulness practice. This can range from education, the mental health field, sports, the arts, social justice, etc. Your argument will need to be substantiated by readings, including research, reports of others working in this orsimilar fields, and will include a clear explanation of the mindfulness practices involved as well as their implementation. A rubric for this paper will be provided. For all paper submissions (group reflection, retreat reflection, final paper), pleasesubmit through the assignments tab in Brightspace. *Citations are required for all references. MLA/APA accepted.
Sample Solution