Discussion questions

Carson, The Gospel According to John (1991). K6stenberger, Encountering John (2013). Tozer & Snyder And He Dwelt Among Us (2009).

200 words or more per question

Question 3: List some of the possible translations of the term parakletos. Briefly discuss the positives and negatives of each possible translation. Which of these terms carries the most promise of accurately representing this word to a modem audience? Why? Look in your favorite Bible translation and see if you can find how it translates parakletos and give an example. Given the material for this module/week, do you think your Bible captures the nuance of this term correctly? Why or why not?

Question 4: Briefly list and describe the roles of the Holy Spirit according to John 14-16. Which role is the easiest to explain? Which is the most difficult? Give reasons for your answers. Which of these roles is most relevant to your current church situation? Why?




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