1) In talking about LULUs and environmental justice in Unit #4, we recognized that the

environmental / economic / health benefits and burdens of something like a landfill, power plant,

or highway are not necessarily evenly distributed. And that’s true of climate change too: the

nature of carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect means the people who feel the effects of

climate change aren’t necessarily the same people who got the benefits of those carbon emissions.

This holds internationally – but also intergenerationally.

So global climate change raises really interesting and thorny ethical problems! Let’s talk about

them. Specifically, let’s consider the ethical challenges discussed by Gardiner and Hartzell-

Nichols. What did you think?

2)Global climate change is many things — but first and foremost, it’s a climatological

phenomenon studied by scientists across many various disciplines. So here’s a thread for us to

talk about the science behind global climate change. What is it, exactly? How does it work? What

is causing it, and how? Perhaps most importantly, what’s our collective knowledge and

understanding of climate change based on?

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