Ethical Dilemma

Analyse an ethical dilemma (scenario) and describe the ethical problem-solving process you would use to solve the dilemma that addresses all stakeholders.


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Analysis indicates a clear understanding of the dilemma as well as the identification and needs of all stakeholders. The explanation of the process used to solve the dilemma is detail-oriented and easy to follow as an outline. The resolution aligns with more than one school policy. From the lens of a physical education teacher.

Make sure to emphasize all stakeholders involvement/ needs.

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Sample Answer

thical Dilemma Analysis


A physical education teacher at a public school notices that one of their students, a 10-year-old girl named Sarah, is consistently wearing ill-fitting and torn clothing during gym class. The teacher is concerned about Sarah’s well-being and suspects that she may be from a low-income family. The teacher wants to help Sarah but is unsure of how to do so without offending her or her family.

Identification of Stakeholders:

  • Sarah: The student who is in need of assistance.
  • Sarah’s family: They may be facing financial difficulties and may not be aware of the issue.
  • The physical education teacher: They are concerned about Sarah’s well-being and want to help her.
  • The school: It has a responsibility to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

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Ethical Problem-Solving Process:

  1. Gather Information: The teacher should discreetly gather more information about Sarah’s situation. This could involve talking to Sarah privately, speaking with her teacher, or consulting with the school counselor.

  2. Identify Ethical Principles: The teacher should consider the ethical principles involved in this situation. These principles may include:

    • Care: The teacher has a duty of care towards their students and should act in their best interests.
    • Non-maleficence: The teacher should avoid causing harm to Sarah or her family.
    • Justice: The teacher should ensure that Sarah is treated fairly and with respect.
  3. Generate Possible Solutions: The teacher should brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. These solutions should be practical, ethical, and respectful of all stakeholders. Some possible solutions include:

    • Providing Sarah with a new gym uniform.
    • Connecting Sarah’s family with community resources that can provide assistance.
    • Discreetly offering Sarah clothing or other items that she may need.
  4. Evaluate the Solutions: The teacher should evaluate the pros and cons of each possible solution. They should consider the impact of each solution on Sarah, her family, the school, and the teacher themselves.

  5. Choose the Best Solution: The teacher should choose the solution that best meets the needs of all stakeholders. This may involve a combination of solutions.

  6. Implement the Solution: The teacher should implement the chosen solution in a discreet and sensitive manner. They should keep Sarah’s family informed and involved in the process.

  7. Evaluate the Outcome: The teacher should evaluate the outcome of the solution and make adjustments as needed. They should continue to monitor Sarah’s situation and provide support as necessary.

Addressing Stakeholder Needs

  • Sarah: The solution should provide Sarah with appropriate clothing for gym class and make her feel comfortable and confident.

  • Sarah’s family: The solution should respect Sarah’s family’s privacy and dignity. It should also provide them with the support they need to address any underlying issues.

  • The physical education teacher: The solution should allow the teacher to fulfill their duty of care towards Sarah and provide her with the support she needs.

  • The school: The solution should uphold the school’s values of fairness, respect, and support for all students.

Alignment with School Policies

The proposed solution aligns with the following school policies:

  • Chapter 8: Students – Student Welfare and Safety: This policy outlines the school’s commitment to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

  • Chapter 8: Students – Student Assistance: This policy outlines the school’s procedures for providing assistance to students who are facing challenges, including financial hardship.


By following a structured ethical problem-solving process and considering the needs of all stakeholders, the physical education teacher can find a solution that helps Sarah and her family while also upholding the school’s values and policies.

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