Evaluating ethics and ethical committees

Evaluating ethics and ethical committees is on the rise in the health care industry, and there is a new job title emerging: ethicist. This role focuses on consulting leadership teams on policies and education to best approach future ethical issues.

Discuss the following questions with the class:

What is a current biomedical ethics issue in health care that concerns you? Explain your answer.
Do you feel the biomedical ethics issue is being handled appropriately? Explain your answer.

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Sample Answer

Current Biomedical Ethics Issue in Healthcare: Access to Innovative Treatments

One current biomedical ethics issue that deeply concerns me is access to innovative treatments. With the rapid advancement of medical technology, new therapies are constantly being developed, offering promising solutions for previously fatal or debilitating diseases. However, access to these treatments often remains limited due to factors like:

  • High cost: Many innovative treatments carry exorbitant price tags, far exceeding the financial reach of most individuals and straining healthcare systems.
  • Lack of insurance coverage: Insurance companies may not cover new treatments, leaving patients with the burden of exorbitant costs or forced to go without potentially life-saving therapies.
  • Limited availability: Innovative treatments may not be widely available, either due to limited production capacity or restricted access to clinical trials.

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This unequal access raises significant ethical concerns:

  • Equity and justice: It is fundamentally unfair that access to life-saving treatments is dictated by wealth or insurance coverage, creating a disparity in healthcare outcomes based on socioeconomic status.
  • Right to health: The right to health, recognized as a fundamental human right by the United Nations, is being undermined when individuals are denied access to essential medical interventions due to financial barriers.
  • Ethical dilemma for healthcare professionals: Healthcare professionals face a difficult ethical dilemma when they are unable to provide their patients with the best available treatment due to factors beyond their control.

Handling of the Issue:

While some efforts are being made to address access issues, they often fall short of achieving true equity and justice:

  • Government initiatives: Some governments have implemented programs to subsidize the cost of certain innovative treatments or expand insurance coverage. However, these initiatives often face challenges related to funding and political hurdles.
  • Charitable organizations: Charities and patient advocacy groups play a vital role in raising awareness and providing financial assistance to patients struggling with high costs. However, their resources are limited and cannot address the systemic issues at play.
  • Pharmaceutical companies: Some pharmaceutical companies have implemented patient assistance programs and tiered pricing strategies to improve access. However, these measures are often criticized for being insufficient and primarily focused on maximizing profit.

Concerns Regarding the Current Approach:

While these efforts are commendable, they are insufficient to address the broader issue of unequal access to healthcare. The current fragmented approach leaves many patients vulnerable and perpetuates a system where access to life-saving treatments is dictated by financial means rather than medical need.


To ensure equitable access to innovation, I propose the following:

  • Universal healthcare systems: Implementing universal healthcare systems would guarantee access to essential medical interventions for all citizens, regardless of their income or employment status.
  • Regulation of drug prices: Governments should implement stricter regulations to control the prices of innovative treatments, ensuring they are affordable for patients and healthcare systems.
  • Increased funding for research and development: Increased public funding for research and development can encourage the development of more affordable and accessible treatments.
  • Transparency in clinical trials: Ensuring transparency and accessibility of clinical trial data can accelerate the development and distribution of innovative treatments.

Addressing the issue of access to innovative treatments requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach involving governments, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare systems, and patient advocacy groups. By prioritizing equity and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from medical advancements, we can create a more just and ethical healthcare system.

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