Externalizing Disorders

Reflect on your first experience treating a toddler, school-aged child, or adolescent with a mood or anxiety disorder.

Describe a clinical situation, in detail. (Who was it, when did it happen, what happened, what caused it to happen, where did it happen, how did it happen). Describing the clinical experience should take less than 3 minutes. Discussing your reflection should take 3-5 minutes.
How did you manage these anxieties, feelings, prejudices, and biases? 
What assumptions did you make about children or families with mental illness? 
What awareness did you develop during your clinical experience? 
Describe how you changed as a result of your clinical experience? 
Describe how will this clinical situation impact your advanced nursing practice?

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Sample Answer

I can reflect on my first experience treating a toddler, school-aged child, or adolescent with a mood or anxiety disorder.

The clinical situation

I was working as a pediatric nurse in a mental health clinic when I was asked to see a 6-year-old boy with anxiety. The boy’s parents had brought him in because he was having difficulty sleeping, was refusing to go to school, and was having frequent panic attacks.

My feelings, prejudices, and biases

When I first met the boy, I was a little bit nervous. I didn’t have a lot of experience working with children with anxiety, and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to help him. I also had some preconceived notions about anxiety, such as that it was a sign of weakness or that it was something that children could “just get over.”

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How I managed my anxieties, feelings, prejudices, and biases

I managed my anxieties and prejudices by doing some research on anxiety. I also talked to the boy’s parents about their experiences, and I learned a lot about their son’s strengths and challenges. As I got to know the boy, I realized that he was a very bright and loving child. He just had a different way of coping with stress than other children.

What assumptions did I make about children or families with mental illness?

Before I worked with this boy, I had made some assumptions about children or families with mental illness. I thought that they were all very different from me, and that I wouldn’t be able to relate to them. However, as I got to know the boy, I realized that he was just like any other child. He had his own likes and dislikes, and he wanted to be loved and accepted just like everyone else.

What awareness did I develop during my clinical experience?

During my clinical experience, I developed a greater awareness of anxiety disorders. I learned that these disorders are not as rare as I thought, and that they can have a significant impact on a child’s life. I also learned that there are many effective treatments available for anxiety disorders, and that they can lead to significant improvements in a child’s quality of life.

How I changed as a result of my clinical experience

I changed a lot as a result of my clinical experience. I became more patient and understanding, and I learned to appreciate the unique strengths of each child. I also learned that I have a lot to offer children with anxiety, and that I can make a difference in their lives.

How will this clinical situation impact my advanced nursing practice?

This clinical situation will impact my advanced nursing practice in a number of ways. First, it has made me more aware of the needs of children with anxiety. Second, it has taught me how to develop effective treatment plans for these children. Third, it has shown me the importance of patience and understanding when working with children with special needs.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with this boy and his family. They taught me a lot about anxiety, and they showed me the importance of acceptance and love. I am confident that I will be able to use what I learned from them in my advanced nursing practice.

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