Feminist Film Theory

. My supervisor said that I misunderstood what I am supposed to do/write, therefore I want you to rewrite the section of women in” rel=”nofollow”>in film and femin” rel=”nofollow”>inist approaches to Kuwait cin” rel=”nofollow”>inema. It needs reworkin” rel=”nofollow”>ing to in” rel=”nofollow”>include a slightly more extensive selection of theorists (i.e. not only Mulvey).

I also suggest that, before startin” rel=”nofollow”>ing to rewrite the literature review, you select from the bibliography the books that you want/should to in” rel=”nofollow”>include in” rel=”nofollow”>in your literature review (the main” rel=”nofollow”>in ones for each subject).

What I am supposed to do is to explain” rel=”nofollow”>in what is available on the subject and how useful (or not) that is for my research.
Instead, I give an account of the subject matter as covered in” rel=”nofollow”>in the literature.

For in” rel=”nofollow”>instance:
1) which books are available in” rel=”nofollow”>in the history of Kuwaiti cin” rel=”nofollow”>inema?
2) what ground they cover?
3) how useful what they cover is for my research?
4)Then, for every one of the books listed, write a paragraph or two what they do not cover (their limits) this very important poin” rel=”nofollow”>int.

So, poin” rel=”nofollow”>intin” rel=”nofollow”>ing out the limits of existin” rel=”nofollow”>ing literature is important, because it enables you to convin” rel=”nofollow”>ince your reader (which will overcomes some of those limits and present new material and arguments) is origin” rel=”nofollow”>inal and very much needed.

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