Film Analysis
Through Women’s Eyes: Read pages 434-453
Compose a Main post in which you address some of the following prompts by Friday 11:59 PM:
Let’s talk about Iron Jawed Angels. This is a great film, but we want to think critically about it. In this discussion,
I would like you to write a post that touches on some of the following topics relating to Iron Jawed Angels. As
always, make sure to incorporate specific details from the film AND specific details from lecture and readings to
help back up your ideas.
Anachronism: is something (a word, object or an event) that is mistakenly paced in a time where is does not
belong. Can you think of a few examples in the film where the filmmaker took license with history? For
example, where did they put in modern details, attitudes, or sensibilities to make the film resonate with a 21st
century audience? We are not looking for obscure inaccuracies, but major ones that might be important when
critiquing the overall value of the film.
Narrative: The whole story? Do you think that someone watching this movie will get an accurate depiction of
how the 19th Amendment was won? Explain to reason for your answer with specific details from readings and
lecture to show your knowledge. How does “Iron Jawed Angels” compare to our textbook and lecture accounts
of the road to suffrage (1848-1920)?
The merit of the film? What do you think is the greatest merit of the film? Are the anachronisms and limited
chosen narrative outweighed by the film’s overall value? Provide specific examples to explain your answer.
Film as history. Whether we historians like it or not, many Americans get most of their ‘history’ from Hollywood
films (and TV shows). These films may be inaccurate, biased toward modern sensibilities, or politically
motivated. Are there dangers or advantages of using popular films to learn history? Provide specific examples
to explain your answer.
I’m panicking, should I Google “Iron Jawed Angels + Anachronism?” No! If you have watched the film and have
been paying attention in class, you can totally do this! Trust your own thoughts on this. Resist the temptation to
google someone else’s ideas. (And If you write some obscure details about the inaccuracy of number of stars
on the American flag, incorrect door handles/wristwatches being used, I will be pretty sure that you looked up
that information online).
Are you sure I shouldn’t go online looking for information to add to my post? Don’t do it! Your goal is to show
that you have done the class readings and watched the lectures. So, only use our readings, videos, lectures —
and your own smart brain – this week as the basis for your discussion.

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