Gun control, abortion and marijuana legalization.

Persuasive/Argument Essay Assignment
Introduction For this essay, you will write a well-researched argument that takes a position on an arguable
topic. Academic arguments are found in every discipline and in the workplace. If you are an engineer, a
business person, a scientist or another professional, you will be called upon to write proposals, bids, ads,
grants and other documents that make an argument in order to raise funds, win a contract, get equipment for
your laboratory, maybe even get a raise. Learning to make a strong argument is important in college and every
area of life.
Creating Your Essay Format: Your essay should be a minimum of 3 pages, double spaced using
MLA formatting.
● Your works cited list should be a separate page. All texts that you quote, summarize, or paraphrase should
be cited properly. ● The essay should have a clear introduction which contains your claim. The body
paragraphs should support your claim with sound evidence and the essay should end with an obvious
Choose a topic. Your topic should be debatable. In other words, there should be two sides to the issue. Do not

choose the usual topics: gun control, abortion or marijuana legalization.
Audience. Before you get started, consider who are you wanting to persuade. You will have to keep in mind
what your audience considers important.
Make a claim. Take a stand on your topic. Are you for or against? What should or should not happen or be
changed? What problem needs a solution? Remember the five types of arguments. What question are you
trying to answer?
Reasons. Why? This question should be answered with sound logic and not be merely opinion. Why is this
important to the audience? What do they have to lose or gain?
Evidence. Support your claim. You will need to back up each reason your present in your claim. Use sources to
build credibility and gain authority to speak as a writer on a topic. Your aim is to persuade your audience; thus
you must use credible sources to back up everything you say. You can use ethical, emotional, or logical
appeals. Avoid logical fallacies within the argument. Use both a combination of direct quotes, paraphrases and
will cite all your sources correctly in the text as well as prepare a Works Cited page to accompany the essay.
Evidence also includes personal experience and observations.
Counterarguments. Consider what an opponent might argue against your claim. What is the other side of your
argument? Can the opposing side poke holes in your reasoning? State that opposition in your essay.
Rebuttals. After you know the counterargument, address it. If you do not your audience will not be persuaded.
Strategies. What strategy, appeal or devices will you use to present your argument? This choice is tied directly
to your audience. Who are you trying to persuade? What strategy will connect with your audience? (Strategies,
appeals, and devices are covered in the Lectures and Lessons, and Readings.The first draft is due on Moodle
on Wednesday, July 15, 2019. Remember, a good first draft looks a lot like your final draft only needing a little
polishing. Use the feedback you receive to revise and improve your argument. Submit a reflective paragraph.
Create a 1-paragraph to describe your writing experience. The reflective memo must be at least a paragraph
and include what you learned, what you would do differently, and what you enjoyed/disliked about persuasive
argument writing.
Timeline ● The first draft is due on Moodle on Wednesday, July 15, 2019. Submit your good first draft to the
Moodle Assignment. Remember, a good first draft looks a lot like your final draft only needing a little polishing.
● Use the feedback you receive to revise and improve your argument. ● Submit your final draft as a Word
document to the assignment drop on Moodle by midnight July 23rd, which is finals day. Absolutely not
submissions after that time. ● Submit a reflective paragraph. Create a 1-paragraph to describe your writing
experience. The reflective memo must be at least a paragraph and include what you learned, what you would
do differently, and what you enjoyed/disliked about persuasive argument writing. Submit your memo/letter a
with your final draft. Reflective memos submitted later will not receive credit.
Assessment Good First Draft no later than July 15th 50 points Work submitted after July 15 will be graded
accordingly and may cause you to miss the opportunity to received feedback on your draft.

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