Healthcare Law, Policies, and Stakeholders

Healthcare laws and policies play a major role in the healthcare industry. The various regulatory bodies protect the public from several health risks and provide numerous programs for public health and welfare. Together, these regulatory agencies protect and regulate public health at every level. It is essential for healthcare professionals to be familiar with and understand these laws to know when they apply and how they are applied.

Because these laws and policies are made by and for the healthcare system stakeholders, it is essential to understand the perspective of each stakeholder. It is important to understand how these laws and policies impact stakeholders and how stakeholders influence the formation and reformation of these laws and policies. Understanding health laws and policies is essential in healthcare for appropriate decision making and implementation. This assignment will help you prepare for both Project One and Project Two and eventually for your future role in your chosen field.

In this assignment, you will review the module resources and write a short paper discussing your understanding of health law and policy in the United States. You will also share your thoughts on the value conflicts between stakeholders and the impact on public health services.

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