
A. Identify Problem: chronic homelessness of aboriginal people in winnipeg
a. Statistics- ( source : Winnipeg street census 2018).
I. Percentage of people experiencing homelessness in winnipeg
ii. Percentage of homeless aboriginal people

B.Why is it problem
a.Public health problem ( give examples- risk for infectious disease )
b.Economic problem -.I want to show that funding money to homelessness program will be beneficial in the long run, as they can save more money –https://homelesshub.ca/sites/default/files/Wpg.St.Health.Report.2011.pdf ( look for cost analysis section)
C.What causes this problem?
a.homelessness emerged as a problem as a result of a large disinvestment in affordable housing, structural shifts in the economy ( rapid decline in full time, permanent , well paying jobs) and reduced spending on a range of social and health supports in communities. (https://homelesshub.ca/sites/default/files/attachments/SOHC16_final_20Oct2016.pdf)

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