Internal Strategic Mgmt. Audit & Competitive Strength Assessment

Internal Strategic Mgmt. Audit & Competitive Strength Assessment

The post has two asighnments

1:Internal Strategic Mgmt. Audit & Competitive Strength Assessment

Order Description

Explain how you would conduct an internal strategic management audit and competitive strength assessment. Make certain you identify the specific resources, skills, or capacities, you might use for the internal audit (e.g., the method of analysis and the selection of key factors). Why do you think these techniques are important? Be sure to identify how the factors chosen are tied to either the vision or mission of the firm, or how they perform a specific task in the current strategy of the firm.

2: Race and Ethnicity Data Analysis

Order Description

Collect racial, ethnic, and poverty data of Baltimore City. Focus would be the quality and availability of services – housing, grocery, emergency, community centers, etc. Answer the following questions in the analysis.
• How do city planners and decision-makers look at the data collected? What questions should we be asking? What systemic decisions are made that sustain any inequities that you see in the data?
o To what extent is the data disaggregated in the city? (race, ethnicity, language, socioeconomic status)
o How is this data used to inform instruction and policy?
o What other data points are collected to inform decisions?
• Are they even asking the "right" questions about inequities?
• This leads us back to the historical ‘goals’ in city planning systems. Are the goals still the same? Do they still apply? For whom to do they work and for whom are they a disconnect? Why? Why not? If we keep doing the same thing and asking the same old questions, we get the same results.

Use the following text for the assignment.
Singleton, G. E. (2015). Courageous conversations about race: a field guide for achieving equity in schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, A SAGE Company. Pages 23-64, 99-107, 112-114.

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