Mass media

For your final paper which should be no longer than 4 pages (less than that is fine), you will have two options:

  1. Create & complete your own mass media assignment.
  2. Research & discuss a current controversy in media.

Option 1: Create & complete your own mass media assignment.
Assume the role of instructor for CMST&102. What is an assignment you would create as part of this course? You may want to revisit the course description & outcomes, the textbook, additional assigned reading, video/audio clips and other supplemental material, etc. from the quarter. After you have created the assignment, you get to complete the assignment. For example, if you describe a film analysis assignment, you would then complete a film analysis OR if you designed a television program analysis using a media theory from chapter 2, you would complete said analysis of a television program.

As part of this option, please include your response to the following question: Why did you select this topic? Please identify a specific concept/theory we covered in class (either from our Hanson textbook OR additional assigned reading) that prompted your interest in creating this assignment.
Paper included response to the following question: Why did you select this topic? A specific concept/theory we covered in class (either from our Hanson textbook OR additional assigned reading) that prompted interest in creating this assignment was included. Option

Please remember to include the specific directions for your assignment and your completed version of the assignment.

Option 2: Research & discuss a current controversy in media.
What is a current controversial issue related to media that you are curious or passionate about? Here is your chance to research a controversy, accurately explain the various perspectives (at least 2 sides), and articulate your current stance on the issue.

Suggested topics from which to choose:
• journalists embedded with troops
• shield laws for journalists
• journalists as spokespeople for products (or political candidates or political initiatives)
• news coverage of Donald Trump, the recent terrorist attack in Florida, Britain leaving the EU.
• video game regulations
• film ratings systems
• tv ratings systems
• internet censorship/controls
• companies tracking buying habits & targeting consumers
• limits/regulations of advertising to children
• Wikileaks
• Snowden leaking NSA details
• any other idea you generate

Questions to answer:
Why did you select this topic? Please identify a specific concept/theory we covered in class (either from our Hanson textbook OR additional assigned reading) that prompted your interest in learning about this controversy.
What are the various perspectives involved in this controversial issue?
How does this issue directly (or indirectly) impact you?
After researching this issue, where do you stand? Why?

Include at least 3 credible, quality outside source citations as part of your assignment (using APA citation style).

If you select option one or option two, your assignment should be 3-4 pages double-spaced. (using APA citation style)

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