
“Modernism” is often described as an artistic reaction to major conflicts among the social forces that arose from “modernity,” and many of the works we have studied reflect a form of social imbalance (ie: class, gender, race, colonialism, economics, etcetera). Consider one or more texts by takin” rel=”nofollow”>ing in” rel=”nofollow”>into account how they respond to their cultural and historical circumstances.2.Both The Picture of Dorian Gray and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man engage in” rel=”nofollow”>in significant critiques of contemporary society and culture on topics rangin” rel=”nofollow”>ing from sexuality, religion, education, imperialism, class, and ethnicity. They are also stylistically in” rel=”nofollow”>inventive and explicitly engage in” rel=”nofollow”>in aesthetic debates. This sets style again” rel=”nofollow”>inst social critique, each in” rel=”nofollow”>in contrast with the other. Do style and social critique conflict or do they mutually in” rel=”nofollow”>interact in” rel=”nofollow”>in one or both of the novels? Does one (style) reflect the other (social vision), or are these unrelated issues in” rel=”nofollow”>in the novels?
3.Consider any of the works we have read to date in” rel=”nofollow”>in relation to Modernism as an aesthetic movement. Bear in” rel=”nofollow”>in min” rel=”nofollow”>ind the conflictin” rel=”nofollow”>ing and contested notions of the various Modernisms each text can potentially reflect.”

i picked Topic 2 to write
and got feedback from professor

“This is a poorly written paper. You do not have a thesis statement in” rel=”nofollow”>in your paper so your reader cannot have any idea what your in” rel=”nofollow”>intention is. Also, there is no need for subtittles. You can transition your ideas between books or themes. Before you hand in” rel=”nofollow”>in your next essay, please make sure that all your in” rel=”nofollow”>in-text citations are appropriately entered (author page number). Also ensure that MLA citation style is used. Your book titles must be italicised and the letters of each main” rel=”nofollow”>in word in” rel=”nofollow”>in the title capitalised. For example: The Picture of Dorian Gray.”

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