Nursing Reflection

C​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​linical Reflection Brief task description You are required to reflect on an event that you were part of, or witnessed, focusing on PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION, following the Gibbs Reflective Model as attached. Length Word Count: 600 Including in text reference +/- 10%, not including reference list. Task detail Identify a clinical event/situation you have encountered during your placement concerning PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION. Using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle as a guide, reflect on this clinical event/situation. The reflection can be related to a positive or negative clinical experience. Analyse the clinical event/situation, linking with your experience, practice, and theory presented. In addition, your reflection should address – • Your level and understanding of knowledge related to the clinical event/situation • How the clinical event/situation has increased your understanding of the role, linking to NMBA Standards for Practice, Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and Scope of Practice of the Registered Nurse in Australia • Where you believe you need further development and/or learning. Guidelines / structure The clinical reflection is to contain the following sections based on the Gibbs Reflective Cycle: Clinical episode : I was working in the ward someday, but I saw call bell of the patient room that I don’t look after. I was also busy but I went to the room to help other nurses. Patient looked confusing and she said she need a help. She said she wanted to walk the hallways of the ward. So I checked to the nurse station. But I couldn’t see her nurses at the time. Then I went back to her room and let her walk with me. But 5 mins later, her nurse came back and told me she can’t walk ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​outside cause she’s on droplet precaution. I had to wait her nurses. I realized that being pityful and helping right away isn’t always a good thing. Introduction/Description – This is a description of your chosen clinical reflective topic and an overview of the critical areas of your intended discussion. 1. Feelings – This is a self-reflective discussion covering your thoughts and feelings. This section must provide a comprehensive discussion of the key areas you feel are important to you as a novice clinician based on your chosen topic. 2. Evaluation – What was good and bad about the experience? How is your clinical reflection supported or refuted by the Literature? The evaluation section must be supported using contemporary, credible Literature. 3. Analysis – What sense can you make of the situation? This is a discussion of critical outcomes based on your evaluation and what best practice literature has informed you in relation to your chosen topic. 5. Conclusion – This is a summary of the main points and what you have learnt from the clinical reflection. What else could you have done? 6. Strategies for practice/Action Plan – what specific positive strategies, based on your analysis, would assist you to progress as a critical thinking clinician?

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