Operations Management

Operations are the engine that drives a business. Practice Operations (McGraw Hill http://www.mhpractice.com/products/Practice_Operations ) puts students in the role of an operations decision maker for a clothing manufacturing company. Students become players in a serious learning game. Play begins with an overview of the heart of that engine – managing the production process. Players review the contract specifications as well as the production process by walking through the production floor and shipping area.
Students then analyse functions of the receiving department to manage the supply chain and material inventories to ensure clients’ needs can be met. In order to grow the business players must bid for new contracts and optimize their receiving, production and shipping departments accordingly. As the business grows, players manage both the human and production facility’s resources in order to meet capacity challenges. Customer satisfaction is also a key metric for success.
In the final stages of the game, the Practice Operations game puts players in control over all areas of operations.

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