Organizational psychology – work and well being

Explain the changing nature of the workplace and how these new and emerging challenges related to workplace
Outline the historical development of stress as a concept.
Explain and critically evaluate theories of wellbeing.
Identify and discuss the possible relationships between work and organizational factors and worker’s health,
safety and wellbeing.
Outline and critically discuss the evidence for the relationships between psychosocial hazards and worker’s
health, safety, and wellbeing.
Identify work and wellbeing interventions and critically discuss their respective effectiveness.
Critically evaluate the movement towards positive wellbeing.
Recognize mental health, certain developmental disorders, and neurodiversity in the workplace and consider
ways of managing and accommodating human differences.
Explain how the implications of the contemporary work environment on workers’ work-life balance.
Consider the crucial role of the discourse of wellness on the individuals in organizational life and the power
dynamics inherent in these.
Be able to summarise the knowledge gained for a professional and non-academic audience.
Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

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