Organized crime in the United States
“According to the FBI the modern and historic impact of organized crime in the United States is limited in scope and impact, and is relegated mostly to the Italian Mafia.”
Explore and review each of the bulleted links found at the left of the page under “About Organized Crime” and “Inside the Crime Groups”.
While visiting the website think about the history and diversity within organized crime.
Sample Answer
The FBI website on organized crime provides a good overview of the history and diversity of this type of criminal activity. The website states that organized crime is “a continuing criminal enterprise that functions through the commission of two or more criminal acts,” and that it is “characterized by a structure of authority, continuity, and an identifiable group of individuals who share a common interest.”
The website goes on to say that organized crime has a long history in the United States, dating back to the early 19th century. The first major organized crime groups in the United States were the Italian Mafia and the Jewish Mafia. These groups were involved in a variety of criminal activities, including gambling, extortion, and prostitution.