
First, consider the following description of Rosy.

Rosy is a young woman with big goals. After she graduates from high school, she plans on going to university and eventually to medical school to become a doctor. She is very organized and disciplined, so much so that every minute of every day is accounted for, including when she eats, sleeps, studies, exercises, and socializes. Rosy also tends to worry a lot, however. In fact, after she returns from a night of socializing, she often has difficulty sleeping because she ruminates on something that someone said to her (e.g., whatever did she mean by that comment?). Given this information about Rosy, answer the following questions. What two factors of the BIG Five does this description pertain to? Would you expect her to score high or low on each of these factors? Are these personality traits conducive to her achieving her goals? Explain. Based on research with the Big Five, how might we expect these personality traits to change as she ages? Finally, how would Freud account for why she has the personality trait described in the first paragraph?

Second, let’s have you reflect on your own personality (or that of a close other). To do this, go to the following website and take this online version of the Big Five inventory: If you aren’t comfortable doing it for yourself, you can answer the questions for another person (an anonymous friend, relative, or acquaintance). Regardless, for each dimension, report the score and where you (or this other person) stand relative to others that have taken the test. Given the personality scores you obtained, answer the following. Do you think this accurately captures you (or this other person’s) personality? Either way, give examples to illustrate your point (e.g., if you scored high on extroversion, give examples of how you tend to behave in this manner). Next, consider how you (or this other person) behave across various situations. Do you think it is your (or this others person’s) personality or the situation itself that is the primary determinant of your (or this other person’s) behavior across these situations? Give examples to illustrate your point (e.g., how either your personality or the situation itself made you behave in, say, an extroverted manner). Finally, consider your (or this other person’s) personality over time. Has it remained fairly stable or undergone considerable change? Regardless of whether it has remained stable or changed, try to identify reasons for this (e.g., some experience that made you goes from being more introverted to being more extroverted).




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