Poetry analysis

First, review Dana Gioia’s “Can Poetry Matter?” article from The Atlantic, May 1991. Pay special attention to
the second to last (penultimate) section of this article, “The Need for Poetry.”
Write a 750-word analysis essay in which you choose one of the poems from the Poetry Unit and answer:
Why does this particular poem matter to society—or, why is this specific poem needed in society? To develop
your answer, consider answering such questions as part of your larger points: How does its language (its
elements like tone, sounds, word choice, form, etc.) teach us about humanity? What lessons can we learn
(again and again, even) from its craft, both its content and context?
[Some] Pre-writing Strategies:
Borrow Gioia’s claim for “the need”, but contextualize to America now
Brainstorm cultural beliefs and/or cultural conflicts that relate to the poem
The poems to choose from include
The road not taken : Robert Frost
My Papa’s Waltz : Theodore Roethke
Sestina : Elizabeth Bishop

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