Psychology reflection

Aim for succinctness and synthesis in your writing. You should incorporate readings, lectures, and other course activities in your responses. When you are incorporating information from a reading or lecture, refer to the material in your response (e.g., “Markus and Kitayama (2010) talked about….” Or “As we talked about in class on September 5th, ….”). There is no requirement to seek sources outside of course materials. Therefore, you do not need to create a reference list or a bibliography.
Answer each following questions: (6 questions total in 6 -8 pages)
1.Go to and search for the region–China, which you grew up. If you grew up outside of Canada, the United States, or Australia, search for any region you feel a connection to (perhaps Victoria, BC). Read the teacher’s guide. Reflect on tensions of using maps to represent indigenous history and knowledge. Which indigenous people have lived in this territory? Learn something about these people. Were you able to learn any insights into their connection with the land?

Reflect on the role culture plays in forming our behaviors and beliefs:
2.Think about a cultural context in which you participate. How has it shaped the way you see yourself, others, and the world? What are the pervasive messages or values in that cultural context? How are they communicated? How have they affected your values, preferences and beliefs?

  1. Based on what you have learned about other members of the class so far, what might be some things that everyone in our class has in common, despite differences in culture?
  2. How would you describe your identity to someone else? If it helps you to answer this question, identify three areas (such as those represented on the wheel) that you feel stand out in their importance to you personally. Are there any aspects of diversity that you think are missing or should be represented differently? Explain what makes them important to you.
  3. Think back to our discussion of stereotypes. Have you experienced another person using stereotypes directed at you? Reflect on which aspect of yourself was stereotyped and what the consequences of that were for you.
  4. Summary Reflection: Reflecting on the three parts of this volume, has any theme emerged in your thinking?

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