Reflection paper

Read the article “Six Essentials of Workplace Positivity” and summarize the key learnings and reflections on
actions that impact workplace positivity.
Watch the Patagonia video and summarize your 3 – 5 learnings about actions taken Patagonia’s to create and
sustain an organization that positively influences and engages people
Next, watch the “Surprising Truth . . . ” video and summarize the key learnings (3 – 5) and how those impact
motivation and create an context of engagement
Take Action: You will reach out to 5 people to expand your social connections – e.g. make a call/video chat
(just to talk); send someone a picture/joke/link/etc. that shows “I’m thinking about you”; make face
masks/coverings and give them to your neighbors; reach out to a colleague from your class last semester to
see how s/he is doing this term; when you go to the store and ask a roommate/family member/neighbor what
they need – and pick it up for them; etc.
Then reflect on and write
your paper including these three sections:

  1. Three summaries of your learnings from the one article/two videos
  2. The list of the 5 social connections/acts of kindness you did THIS week.

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